Us History Research Paper Topics

171+ Most Interesting Us History Research Paper Topics

Explore simple and interesting US history research paper topics, from key events to important people and moments. Great for students and history fans!”

Have you ever wondered why mobile phones are banned in so many schools? In today’s world, mobile phones are an essential part of our daily lives. They help us stay connected with family, friends, and the world around us. However, when it comes to the classroom, mobile phones can be a huge distraction. Many schools across the globe have decided to ban or limit the use of mobile phones. 

According to a recent survey, over 70% of schools in the United States have restrictions in place to prevent students from using their phones during school hours. This is due to concerns that phones can negatively impact education.

While phones provide easy access to information and learning resources, they can also distract students. Instead of focusing on lessons, students often spend their time texting, browsing social media, or playing games. 

This can lead to lower academic performance. Moreover, excessive phone use can contribute to mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, and stress, particularly among young students. The impact of online bullying and cyber harassment also adds to these concerns. Despite the potential benefits, many believe that the harmful effects of mobile phones in schools outweigh their advantages.

Us History Research Paper Topics PDF

What Should I Write My American History Research Paper On?

Choosing a topic for an American history research paper depends on your interests, the scope of the assignment, and the era you’d like to explore. Here are a few potential topics:

  • The impact of the American Revolution on the development of democratic principles.
  • The role of women during the Civil War.
  • The influence of the Progressive Era on American politics and society.
  • The significance of the Civil Rights Movement in the 20th century.
  • The causes and effects of the Great Depression on American families.
  • The rise of the U.S. as a global power during the 20th century.

What Are Some Good Research Topics In History?

Good research topics often address important historical events, people, or movements that had a lasting impact. Here are some broad suggestions:

  • The fall of the Roman Empire and its impact on Europe.
  • The influence of the Renaissance on Western art and culture.
  • The role of World War I in shaping the modern world.
  • The effects of the Enlightenment on political thought.
  • The rise of authoritarian regimes in the 20th century.

How To Choose A Topic For A History Research Paper?

To choose a topic, consider these steps:

  1. Identify your interests: Focus on a historical period or event that you are passionate about.
  2. Narrow your scope: Start with a broad idea and then narrow it down to a specific aspect.
  3. Review available sources: Make sure there are enough primary and secondary sources to support your research.
  4. Check with your professor: If you’re unsure, ask your instructor for guidance or suggestions.

What Are The Topics Of Historiography In U.S. History?

Historiography refers to how historians have interpreted and written about historical events. Some topics in U.S. history historiography include:

  • The interpretation of the American Revolution: Was it a revolution or a war for independence?
  • Different perspectives on slavery: The impact of slavery on American economy and society.
  • The historiography of the Civil War: Was it about slavery or states’ rights?
  • The impact of Native American displacement: How historians view the U.S. government’s treatment of Native Americans.
  • The Cold War: Different interpretations of U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War.

Who Is Known As The Father Of History?

The title “father of history” is traditionally given to Herodotus, an ancient Greek historian. He is often regarded as the first person to systematically collect and analyze historical information, especially regarding the Persian Wars.

What Is Included In American History?

American history encompasses a wide range of topics, from the early Indigenous cultures to modern political and social developments. Some key periods and events include:

  • Pre-Columbian America (Indigenous peoples, cultures, and civilizations)
  • Colonial America (settlement, early colonies, and interactions with Native Americans)
  • The American Revolution (independence from Britain)
  • The Civil War and Reconstruction (slavery, abolition, and rebuilding the South)
  • The Progressive Era and Industrialization (economic growth, labor movements)
  • The World Wars and the Cold War (military conflicts and U.S. global power)
  • Civil Rights Movement (racial equality and social justice)
  • Recent American history (post-Cold War, the 21st century, and current issues like immigration and politics)

Us History Research Paper Topics

Here are some of the best US history research paper topics

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Colonial America

  1. Life in Jamestown colony
  2. Role of religion in early American colonies
  3. Native American culture and colonial settlers
  4. Mayflower Compact and its importance
  5. How slavery shaped colonies
  6. Role of women in colonial America
  7. Relationships between settlers and Native Americans
  8. How Enlightenment influenced colonial thinking
  9. Effects of French and Indian War on colonies
  10. Causes of Bacon’s Rebellion in Virginia

American Revolution

  1. How propaganda influenced the Revolution
  2. Causes of American Revolution
  3. French and Indian War’s role in Revolution
  4. Role of women during Revolution
  5. Revolution’s impact on Native Americans
  6. Importance of Declaration of Independence
  7. African Americans’ role in Revolutionary War
  8. George Washington’s leadership in Revolution
  9. France’s support for American Revolution
  10. Effects of Treaty of Paris 1783

Early Republic and Constitution

  1. How U.S. Constitution was created
  2. Federalist Papers and their importance
  3. Why Bill of Rights was added to Constitution
  4. Alexander Hamilton’s impact on U.S. economy
  5. Debate between Federalists and Anti-Federalists
  6. Thomas Jefferson’s presidency and Louisiana Purchase
  7. Causes and effects of War of 1812
  8. Monroe Doctrine’s influence on foreign policy
  9. Peaceful transfer of power in 1800 election
  10. Northwest Ordinance and its importance

Slavery and Antebellum Period

  1. Slavery in American West
  2. Abolitionist movement in 1800s
  3. Harriet Tubman and Underground Railroad
  4. Dred Scott decision and its impact
  5. Economy of slavery in South
  6. Effects of Nat Turner’s Rebellion
  7. Women in abolitionist movement
  8. Missouri Compromise and its effects
  9. Nullification Crisis and state rights
  10. Impact of Second Great Awakening on slavery

Civil War

  1. Why Civil War started
  2. Abraham Lincoln’s role in Civil War
  3. Emancipation Proclamation and its significance
  4. South’s economy during Civil War
  5. African Americans in Civil War
  6. Battle of Gettysburg: Why it mattered
  7. Gettysburg Address and its meaning
  8. Women’s contributions during Civil War
  9. How other countries were involved in Civil War
  10. Civil War’s impact on Native Americans


  1. Successes and failures of Reconstruction
  2. Role of Freedmen’s Bureau
  3. Effects of 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments
  4. Radical Republicans during Reconstruction
  5. Rise of Ku Klux Klan
  6. Why Reconstruction ended
  7. Economic struggles in South after Civil War
  8. Sharecropping in South
  9. Impeachment of President Andrew Johnson

Gilded Age and Industrialization

  1. Rise of big businesses in late 1800s
  2. How railroads changed America
  3. Effects of immigration in late 1800s
  4. Labor unions and workers’ rights during industrialization
  5. Role of Andrew Carnegie in steel industry
  6. John D. Rockefeller and Standard Oil Company
  7. Impact of telephone and electricity on life
  8. Rise of urbanization in late 1800s
  9. Role of women in workforce during industrialization
  10. Social impact of Gilded Age

Progressive Era

  1. Causes of Progressive Movement
  2. Role of Theodore Roosevelt in reform
  3. Impact of muckrakers on public opinion
  4. Women’s suffrage and 19th Amendment
  5. Growth of labor movement in early 20th century
  6. Child labor laws during Progressive Era
  7. Effects of Prohibition on American society
  8. Rise of settlement house movement
  9. Significance of 16th, 17th, and 18th Amendments
  10. Role of African Americans in Progressive Era

World War I

  1. Causes of World War I
  2. U.S. entry into World War I
  3. Impact of World War I on American society
  4. Role of women during World War I
  5. African American soldiers and World War I
  6. Effects of Treaty of Versailles on U.S.
  7. How propaganda influenced war effort
  8. Role of U.S. Navy in World War I
  9. Impact of Red Scare after World War I
  10. Economic effects of World War I on America

Roaring Twenties

  1. Economic boom of 1920s
  2. Cultural impact of Harlem Renaissance
  3. Significance of 1920s women’s movement
  4. Rise of organized crime during Prohibition
  5. Impact of jazz music on American culture
  6. Stock Market Crash of 1929 and its effects
  7. Changing role of women in 1920s
  8. Flapper culture in 1920s
  9. Impact of automobile on American society
  10. Relationship between U.S. and Europe in 1920s

Great Depression and New Deal

  1. Causes of Great Depression
  2. Effects of Great Depression on American families
  3. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal programs
  4. Role of Social Security Act in Great Depression
  5. Dust Bowl and its impact on U.S.
  6. Great Depression’s effect on labor movement
  7. Role of women during Great Depression
  8. Impact of Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
  9. Significance of Works Progress Administration (WPA)
  10. Role of government in Great Depression recovery

World War II

  1. Causes of World War II
  2. U.S. entry into World War II
  3. Significance of Pearl Harbor
  4. Role of women in World War II
  5. Impact of World War II on U.S. economy
  6. African Americans in World War II
  7. Role of U.S. military during World War II
  8. Importance of D-Day invasion
  9. Impact of atomic bomb on Japan
  10. Effects of World War II on American foreign policy

Cold War

  1. Origins of Cold War
  2. Cuban Missile Crisis and its significance
  3. Role of NATO during Cold War
  4. Vietnam War and its impact on America
  5. Role of U.S. in Korean War
  6. Arms race during Cold War
  7. Significance of Berlin Wall
  8. Civil rights movement during Cold War
  9. Space race and its impact on America
  10. Cold War’s effect on American society

Civil Rights Movement

  1. Impact of Martin Luther King Jr. on Civil Rights
  2. Significance of Civil Rights Act of 1964
  3. Role of Rosa Parks in Civil Rights Movement
  4. Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court case
  5. Role of Malcolm X in Civil Rights Movement
  6. Influence of Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
  7. Nonviolent protests in achieving civil rights
  8. Impact of Voting Rights Act of 1965
  9. Role of women in Civil Rights Movement
  10. Influence of Black Power movement

Vietnam War

  1. Causes of Vietnam War
  2. Role of U.S. in Vietnam War
  3. Impact of Vietnam War on American soldiers
  4. Anti-Vietnam War protests in U.S.
  5. Role of media in shaping public opinion about Vietnam War
  6. Fall of Saigon and its impact on U.S. foreign policy
  7. Effect of Vietnam War on American politics
  8. Role of guerilla warfare in Vietnam War
  9. Significance of Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
  10. Lasting impact of Vietnam War on American society

1970s and 1980s

  1. Watergate scandal and its impact on American politics
  2. Role of Jimmy Carter in U.S. foreign policy
  3. Significance of Reagan Revolution
  4. Rise of conservative politics in 1980s
  5. Impact of Cold War on U.S. domestic policy
  6. Economic policies of Ronald Reagan
  7. Impact of Vietnam War on U.S. foreign policy
  8. Significance of Iran Hostage Crisis
  9. Role of women in 1970s and 1980s
  10. Impact of 1980s economy on middle class
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1990s and Modern America

  1. Causes and effects of Gulf War
  2. Rise of internet in 1990s
  3. Impact of Clinton presidency on American society
  4. Significance of 9/11 attacks on U.S.
  5. Role of U.S. in War on Terror
  6. Impact of Great Recession of 2008 on America
  7. Rise of social media and its impact on American culture
  8. Obama presidency and its effects on U.S. politics
  9. Role of U.S. in global fight against terrorism
  10. Significance of Affordable Care Act

Contemporary Issues

  1. Role of technology in modern American life
  2. Debate over gun control in America
  3. Impact of climate change on U.S. policy
  4. Role of U.S. in international conflicts today
  5. Rise of populism in American politics
  6. Immigration policy in 21st century
  7. Debate over healthcare reform in America
  8. Impact of racial inequality on modern American society
  9. Future of U.S. economy
  10. Role of women in 21st-century American politics
  11. Significance of Black Lives Matter movement

4 Main Characteristics of Historiography

Historiography refers to the study of how history is written and interpreted. Here are four main characteristics of historiography:

  1. Interpretation: Historiography involves the interpretation of past events and figures, influenced by the historian’s perspective, biases, and the time in which they are writing.
  2. Analysis: It requires analyzing different sources, including primary documents, artifacts, and secondary sources, to understand historical events from multiple viewpoints.
  3. Contextualization: Historiography examines historical events within their specific cultural, political, and social contexts, understanding how these factors shaped the outcomes.
  4. Revision: Historiography evolves over time. New sources, methods, and societal changes often lead to revised interpretations of past events, leading to ongoing debates among historians.

Concepts of Historiography

Historiography as a concept deals with how history is written and understood over time. Some core concepts include:

  • Historical Perspective: Understanding that the way history is interpreted can change based on the historian’s viewpoint, ideologies, or the era they live in.
  • Historical Methodology: The tools and approaches used by historians to gather and evaluate sources. This includes critical analysis, cross-referencing, and examining sources for bias.
  • Historical Narratives: Historians construct narratives or stories about the past based on their research. These narratives can vary depending on the historian’s approach or theoretical framework.
  • Bias and Objectivity: Historians must be aware of their biases, but historiography involves understanding how bias can also influence the historical narrative, and attempting to address or acknowledge it.

4 Schools of Historiography

Historiography has evolved into several different schools of thought. The four main schools are:

  1. The Traditional/Political School: Focuses on political events, leaders, and government actions. This approach often emphasizes political history, laws, and key figures.
  2. The Social/Marxist School: Emphasizes the role of social classes, economic factors, and social structures. This approach views history through the lens of class struggle and the influence of the working class.
  3. The Annales School: Originating in France, this school emphasizes long-term social, economic, and environmental factors over individual events or political history. It encourages studying history through a broad, multi-disciplinary approach.
  4. The Postmodern School: Focuses on questioning traditional narratives and interpretations. Postmodern historians challenge the idea of a single objective truth and explore how history is constructed, often examining multiple viewpoints and perspectives.

Four Themes of History

Historians often explore history through different themes that highlight significant aspects of human experience. These themes include:

  1. Politics and Power: This theme examines the structures of power, governance, and political change throughout history. It looks at the role of leaders, revolutions, wars, and how political systems evolve.
  2. Economics and Trade: Focuses on how economic systems, trade networks, and industry have shaped societies. It looks at the distribution of wealth, labor, and economic policies over time.
  3. Social Structure and Class: This theme explores the role of social hierarchies, class divisions, and societal roles. It studies how different groups (such as gender, race, and class) have influenced the course of history.
  4. Culture and Identity: Examines the role of culture, religion, art, and ideology in shaping people’s beliefs, values, and ways of life. This theme looks at how cultural exchanges, innovations, and identities have influenced societies across time.

Good Topics for an AP U.S. History Research Paper

  1. The Impact of the Civil Rights Movement: How it changed laws and society in the U.S.
  2. The Great Depression: How it affected families and led to the New Deal.
  3. The Vietnam War: The effects it had on U.S. politics and society.
  4. The Role of Women in World War II: How women contributed to the war effort.
  5. The American Revolution: How it shaped the country’s values and government.
  6. The Influence of the Progressive Era: How it changed politics and social reforms.

Most Important Research Topics in History Today

  1. The Legacy of Colonialism: How past colonization impacts countries today.
  2. Climate Change History: How humans have affected the environment over time.
  3. Immigration in the U.S.: How immigration shaped American culture and society.
  4. Technology and Society: How technological changes have affected daily life.
  5. Civil Rights Struggles: How movements for equality have shaped modern society.

Good Topic from 1968 to 1999 for an AP U.S. History Research Paper

  1. The Watergate Scandal: How it changed public trust in the government.
  2. The Civil Rights Movement: Its influence on laws and racial equality.
  3. The Rise of the Internet: How it started in the 1990s and changed communication.
  4. The Cold War: How U.S. foreign policy affected global relations.
  5. The Reagan Era: His policies and their long-term impact on U.S. politics.

Best Topics for an American History Research Paper

  1. The American Revolution: The causes and effects of independence.
  2. Slavery in the U.S.: The history and effects of slavery on the country.
  3. The Civil War: The causes, major battles, and the effects on American society.
  4. Women’s Rights Movement: How women fought for equality in the U.S.
  5. The Industrial Revolution: How new inventions changed American society.
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Best Way to Write a Research Paper in AP U.S. History

  1. Pick a Topic: Choose a topic that interests you and has enough sources to support your paper.
  2. Create a Thesis: Your thesis should state your main argument clearly.
  3. Find Sources: Use books, articles, and primary sources like letters and speeches.
  4. Make an Outline: Organize your paper with an introduction, body, and conclusion.
  5. Write the Draft: Present your argument and support it with evidence.
  6. Edit and Revise: Make sure your paper is clear and free of mistakes.

Good Research Topic for History

  1. The Fall of the Roman Empire: What caused the collapse of this ancient civilization?
  2. The American Revolution: Why did the colonies fight for independence?
  3. The Industrial Revolution: How did it change the world’s economy and society?
  4. Women in History: How women have influenced key moments in history.
  5. The Cold War: How the U.S. and Soviet Union shaped the world after WWII.

My Topic for My AP Research Study

While I don’t have a personal research topic, students often choose topics like how the Civil Rights Movement shaped modern U.S. laws or the role of women in WWII because these topics offer plenty of material to explore. The best research paper topic is one that interests you and can be researched with available sources.

Interesting U.S. History Research Paper Topics

  1. Impact of industrial revolution on American society.
  2. U.S. Constitution and its effect on American democracy.
  3. Role of Native Americans in shaping U.S. history.
  4. Causes and consequences of the American Civil War.
  5. Slavery and its end in the United States.
  6. Women’s contribution during World War II.
  7. Effects of the Great Depression on American families.
  8. Influence of the Cold War on U.S. foreign policy.
  9. Civil Rights Movement and its impact on U.S. laws.
  10. Watergate Scandal and its effect on American politics.

U.S. History Research Paper Topics After 1877

  1. Rise of U.S. imperialism in the late 19th century.
  2. Progressive Era and social reforms.
  3. U.S. involvement in World War I.
  4. Economic and cultural growth during the Roaring Twenties.
  5. Impact of Great Depression on the U.S. economy and society.
  6. The New Deal and its legacy.
  7. Consequences of Vietnam War on U.S. politics.
  8. Civil Rights Movement and its lasting effects.
  9. Cold War influence on U.S. policies.
  10. Political and economic changes during Reagan administration.

American History Research Paper Topics for College Students

  1. The American Revolution and its global influence.
  2. Role of African Americans in shaping U.S. history.
  3. Economic and social changes during the Gilded Age.
  4. Influence of U.S. Constitution on political systems worldwide.
  5. Expansion of U.S. power and influence across the globe.
  6. U.S. involvement in Korean War and its foreign policy consequences.
  7. Effects of Cuban Missile Crisis on U.S. foreign relations.
  8. Growth of feminism and its impact on American society.
  9. Concept of American exceptionalism in history.
  10. Technology’s role in shaping U.S. life throughout the 20th century.

U.S. History Research Paper Topics Before 1877

  1. Causes and consequences of the American Revolution.
  2. Impact of slavery in shaping U.S. economy and society.
  3. Role of women in early American history.
  4. Westward expansion and its effect on Native Americans.
  5. Andrew Jackson’s influence on U.S. politics.
  6. Causes of the Civil War and its effects on the nation.
  7. Louisiana Purchase and its impact on U.S. expansion.
  8. Role of religion in shaping early American culture.
  9. Abolitionist movement and the fight against slavery.
  10. Importance of the War of 1812 in shaping American nationalism.

Interesting U.S. History Research Paper Topics for Students

  1. Influence of New Deal on modern U.S. governance.
  2. Was American Revolution truly a war for independence or revolution?
  3. Evolution of U.S. foreign policy throughout the 20th century.
  4. Harlem Renaissance and its influence on American culture.
  5. Role of propaganda in influencing public opinion during World War II.
  6. Contribution of African Americans in U.S. military history.
  7. Labor unions and their impact on American labor laws.
  8. Rise of U.S. as a global power in the 20th century.
  9. Political party development and its effect on American politics.
  10. Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its effect on U.S. society.

Interesting U.S. History Research Paper Topics for College Students

  1. Influence of Enlightenment ideas on American Revolution.
  2. Connection between slavery and southern economic development.
  3. Growth of U.S. democracy from Jacksonian era to present.
  4. Impact of U.S. Constitution on political ideologies.
  5. Role of immigration in shaping U.S. identity.
  6. Effects of Great Migration on northern cities.
  7. Role of U.S. in Cold War conflicts.
  8. Influence of U.S. foreign interventions in Latin America.
  9. Shift from agrarian to industrial society in the U.S.
  10. Influence of American pop culture on global stage.

Interesting U.S. History Topics to Write About

  1. Birth of the American nation and its journey to independence.
  2. Development of checks and balances in U.S. government.
  3. American women’s roles during the Civil War.
  4. Impact of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal on U.S. governance.
  5. Marshall Plan and its effect on U.S. and Europe.
  6. Propaganda’s role during the Vietnam War.
  7. Social and cultural changes in U.S. during 1960s.
  8. Reagan administration’s role in ending the Cold War.
  9. Political and social impact of Tea Party movement.
  10. Evolution of civil rights in the U.S. after the 1960s.

World History Research Paper Topics

  1. Causes and effects of World War I.
  2. Rise and fall of the Roman Empire.
  3. Global impact of the French Revolution.
  4. Spread of Christianity across the world.
  5. Age of exploration and its consequences.
  6. Influence of Silk Road on trade and culture.
  7. Role of women during World War II.
  8. Decline of Ottoman Empire and its legacy.
  9. Nationalism in 19th century Europe.
  10. Industrial Revolution’s impact on global economies.

Final Words

In conclusion, banning or restricting mobile phones in schools seems to be a necessary step in promoting a more focused and productive learning environment. When phones are not allowed, students are less likely to be distracted by social media or games, allowing them to concentrate better on their studies. 

This can result in improved academic performance and better attention in class. Moreover, limiting screen time can help reduce mental health issues like anxiety and depression that arise from excessive phone use. Students will also benefit from more face-to-face interactions with their peers, fostering social skills and personal connections. 

Teachers can focus on creating engaging lessons without worrying about disruptions caused by phones. While technology plays an important role in education, it is crucial to find a balance that prioritizes students’ academic success and well-being. By restricting phones in schools, we can ensure that students make the most of their time at school and develop skills that will benefit them in the long term.

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